Monday, September 12, 2005


Weather Stuff:

Well, it’s been an interesting weekend weather wise. Thunderstorm cells made their presence heard as they moved thru during Saturday. Then yesterday, a massive area of unstable air moved up from the South. By 4pm it was so dark towards the South that it seemed like night had come early. There was some thunder activity associated with this system. So, the low that crossed over the weekend produced some interesting weather and some more good rainfalls. But, during all this, I was too lazy to grab to the camera – I kept thinking, “I should get a photo”, but never did. Just lazy really!

Fishing Stuff:

Headed up the Mersey yesterday, but never managed to trouble the scorer. The river was up and the water was brown. Had a good fish on, probably just under a pound and in nice condition. You may be wondering how I could tell this much about a fish I only had on, but lost? Well…. I was too lazy to get the net out!! So I managed to get the fish on the bank, but it came off at my feet, I held it in my hands twice, then yelled 'NO!!' as it disappeared into the brown swirling water…gone. So I left after that in disgust with myself. You’d think that I would have learnt by now, but ‘them the brakes’….

Just lazy, just plain lazy!


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