Monday, November 28, 2005

Sad Parting: A Special Bolg Entry.

It is worth a special mention concerning the loss of my best and most faithful lure, my original Huey, which I brought about 5 years ago. The action on this lure was the best and we caught many fish together over the years. On Saturday night while trying out a new spot, a trout hit this lure with such immense force and took off like crazy. In an effort to try and control this fish the line broke and the lure lost. Now there is an empty spot in my tackle box where you used to be. You will be sadly missed and never replaced.




Blogger hillie said...

Andrew, I was saddened to hear of your loss. I too have lost special lures over the years, so I can imagine how you must be feeling. Perhaps when you feel you are ready you should buy another Huey with similar colours. I know that today this might seem heartless, but one day you may be ready.

12:26 PM  

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