Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Much less humid...

Weather Stuff:

The cooler and much less humid southerly winds have made their presence felt with the minimum of 11’C last night. Last week was rather warm and very humid. The humidity hovered between 80 and 95% for roughly 4 days. The winds were also mostly light and max temps around the mid-twenties and mins around 15 to 18’C. A ridge of high pressure should move across the State today and form two high cells either side of Tassie. A trough may push down from the mainland in between these two high’s and bring some showers over the next couple of days.

Fishing Stuff:

"Angling may be said to be so like the mathematics that it can never be fully learnt" - Izaak Walton


Monday, January 23, 2006

40 degrees at Campania

Weather Stuff:

The warmer weather has certainly taken hold now. It’s been great to have some hot days with little wind. Yesterday’s temps were interesting with Campania reaching 40 odd degrees. There were some small fast moving thunderstorm cells around the coast last night, but they failed to produce much entertainment. Devonport had a minimum temp around 15’C which made the sleeping difficult. There is another weak front to cross tonight, which may produce a shower or two, and then a high pressure ridge should move in quickly. As the high moves east later this week, the temps should rise again but not quite as high as yesterday.

Fishing Stuff:

Spent Saturday at Rowallan. Seen plenty of rainbows and Simon managed to hook four. I never landed a thing, but it was still an enjoyable day. We covered a reasonable amount of the lake over a 10 hour period and it was good to see the water level still high for the summer. There were sightings of 2 ice bergs around 3pm, not confirmed though….


Friday, January 20, 2006

More Lightning!

Had this image e-mailed to me but as yet the author is unknown- apparently taken in North Hobart - great shot though....


"Ooohh... lightning"

Photo from Kim Stafford in Hobart taken this morning...


Received a report from Simon this morning:

"I think our shed was hit by lightning this morning. The reason I think this is because I was standing in the shed when it happened. There was a humming and a loud electrical crack like the lights had blown out, then a very loud thunder clap directly over head. Regardless to say the power went out, and I had to go inside (to change my underwear)."

Must have been a flang mate :-)


The BOM were mostly right this time! - POST #50!!

Weather Stuff:

The BOM were mostly right this time! As I was leaving for work this morning I could hear the rumbles of thunder in the distance. Early this morning a cluster of thunderstorm cells formed along the tough line while crossing the State. Hobart experienced some power outages including the RHH. Most of the activity along the coast has remained over the Strait. At this stage there have been no reports of severe thunderstorm activity, but the cells certainly have that appearance on the sat pics. This should all clear by this avro and tomorrow should begin heating up.

Fishing Stuff:

Nothing to report… yet.


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Possible thunderies!

Weather Stuff:

The BOM are forecasting the possibility of thunderies in the far NW tonight extending west by tomorrow. It will be interesting to see if the trough heading our way will receive any tropical inflow from the newly formed TC Daryl? Without this inflow I can’t really see how these thunderies will form. I hope I’m wrong!

Fishing Stuff:

According to the Hydro’s web site, Rowallan is falling but is still quite high for this time of year. Hopefully the rainbows that were released late last year have put on some condition, it would be nice to pick up a couple.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

'State of flux'

Weather Stuff:

The conditions are still in a state of flux. The trough that was to extend over Tassie today from Victoria seems to have moved off without much impact. There were a few light showers in Devonport last night. A high should move across the south of the state today and head to the east bringing in the warm and humid north-easterly winds for a couple of days. Saturday looks fine and warm at this stage.

Fishing Stuff:

I'm hoping to get out this weekend for a day trip to Rowallan, if all goes well. Fishing can be more difficult during summer, but if there are a few 'hoppers about, ya just never know?


Friday, January 13, 2006

Trout can be like women sometimes....

Weather Stuff:

This summer has been quite different to many in the recent past. Most summers have seen a fairly consistent easterly component, but the patterns this summer have produced predominantly westerly conditions. It’s hard to say how the rest of the summer will pan out? The rain has been consistent keeping things green but also the winds have been consistent making the over-all outside comfort factor less than enjoyable most days. At this stage the Coast should be fine with the westerly winds easing but some showers popping up Sunday and possibly Monday.

Fishing Stuff:

Dad managed to land 1 trout from his Arthurs trip, weighing in at around 3.5lb. He describe the conditions as less than favourable, which is often the case this time of year. The trout often become more focused on a particular feed and this makes it difficult to strike the right method. The interesting thing to come out of Dad’s experience was the fact that this trout was caught on a Huey’s that was not moving. Dad was attempting to get a loop out of his line when the fish hit the stationary lure. Trout can be like women sometimes, you just can’t work ‘em out?


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back after a short break...

Weather Stuff:

Well, unfortunately my Christmas weather prediction was correct. But the pattern is starting to ease a little and the MSL chart is starting to look more like a summer pattern. At this stage it appears that we may see high pressure systems over Tassie well into next week which should gives us some lighter winds and fine conditions.

Fishing Stuff:

Dad and I headed up Shale Road on New Years Day to see what we could stir up. I managed to land a nice river trout using a black ‘n’ red cobbra wobbler. Dad should be heading up to Arthurs tomorrow and with the conditions easing may have a chance at some good sessions.