Rain and possible thunderstorms...(Celebrating 80 posts!)

Weather Stuff:
A trough of low pressure is set to cross the State today hopefully bringing some rain and a possible thunderstorm, but I won’t hold my breath. There is also the possibility of some follow up rain mostly for Sunday. Christmas day is looking fairly typical with gusty and cold southerly winds and possible snow on the highlands.
Fishing Stuff:
Fished Lake Rowallan a couple of weekends ago and Simon caught 4 of size and I managed 1. Unfortunately, the rainbows in this lake haven’t increased in size, which was disappointing, but over all an enjoyable trip. I also spent a couple of nights at Arthurs Lake managing to land 3 nice trout. The first day/night was hampered by 100 kph winds and snow, thus I only landed one trout. The next day/night was a complete contrast with light winds tending to dead calm by evening. Andrew K joined me on the second day and we didn’t see a single fish during daylight hours even while flicking the fly around. During the evening Andrew K landed 1 on a grub and lost another – it broke him off! I landed 1 on the cocky and a nice 4lb’er on the good ol’ Alpha lure.
I gave the fly rod a go at the Mersey on Sunday arvo but there wasn’t much activity there either.
Featured Photo: the 4lb'er after a trip in the esky :-)
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