Saturday, November 04, 2006

Lake Echo is fishing well....

Weather Stuff:

There is a cold front sneaking up from the SW today, which will freshen the winds and cool them down by tomorrow. There may be some possible showers about tomorrow, but only very light if they happen at all.

Fishing Stuff:

Fished the Cam River for a few hours last night. It is certainly quite different to the Mersey and Forth. When the tide comes in, it doesn’t waste time either. As soon as the tide started coming in the whitebait started to move then shortly after the fish followed. I can only assume they were trout as I didn’t land anything. Talking to some local fellas, they said were catching sea runners up to 5lb. But they didn’t catch anything either. Simon was kind enough to give me a call Wednesday night to let me know that he had “bagged out” at Lake Echo. He managed 15 fish for the trip. So there is another milestone down.



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