Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sunny, but cold...

Weather Stuff:

Things have settled down since the cold front moved thru over the weekend. The large High has brought light winds and sunny days. This High is expected to hang around until Saturday. A cold front is forecasted to cross during the evening forming a trough to the east by Sunday. The BOM aren’t forecasting much in the way of rain from these systems.

Fishing Stuff:

I had my first trip to Arthurs on the weekend and the conditions were simular to what I have experienced in August. The water temp is rather low and the lake had fallen substantially. There were snow showers and freezing winds. All this seemed to slow the feeding activity of the trout, at least for the methods we were using. Some trout may have been feeding on the bottom? I did hook two trout but failed to land them. The first one was attracted to my Huey in the dark and felt like it was about 10lb. When I’d finally got it to the point where it could be netted, it appeared the fish had been fowl hooked through the back near the dorsal fin, explaining why it felt like a "big one". I can only assume the trout had slashed at the lure and got hooked. Unfortunately there were some technical netting problems and the fish got away. The second trout took my cocky during the first morning session and got snagged on the only tree in a 50m radius and I was unable to get it in. Dad did land one small trout and released it.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Embedded Cold Fronts

Weather Stuff:

On Monday night a vigorous cold front crossed the State causing severe winds and heavy showers. Currently a rather deep low well south of Tassie is directing multiple strong cold fronts in our direction bringing strong winds, rain and for tomorrow, cold air. The BOM has changed the forecast now to have snow to around 700m by Friday, then a weak ridge to cross north of Tas on Saturday. This ridge doesn’t appear strong enough to counter-act the cold front that will pass to the south and thus Saturday probably won’t be all that flash either. Basically, winter has come early and with vengeance!

Fishing Stuff:

Well, at this stage I’m hoping to get to Arthurs Friday night for the weekend, but the snow down to 700 odd metres is concerning. I managed to land a nice rainbow from Lambert’s Dam on Good Friday using a hot pink cobra style wobbler. This fish provided a pretty good fight.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"Heralding a cold southerly stream..."

Weather Stuff:

Last night seen a vigorous cold front cross producing squally conditions with winds up to 80kph in Devonport. Today things settled slightly but with so much cold westerly air being pushed up by deep lows to the South, we can expect more showers and wind for the next few days. These conditions look like increasing by Good Friday with highland snow on Easter Saturday.

Fishing Stuff:

Easter is always a great time to eat fish, but as far as fishing, stay home, as every mongrel and his dog are hitting the water.


Monday, April 10, 2006

Early Winter to chill the bones...

Celebrating 60 posts!

Weather Stuff:

The last week has seen 2 cold outbreaks which have brought on an early winter pattern. It’s looking like the situation will not recover from these “blasts” of cold and any hopes of an “Indian” summer have been blown away by freezing south-westerly winds. Another cold front will begin to cross Tassie tonight bringing some showers for tomorrow.

Fishing Stuff:

Things have been rather quite over the last month or so due to family commitments for myself and other fishing contacts. Simon fished Arthurs just before the weather changed and managed to catch one trout. It appears he was cheated by the Easterly weather patterns again. I fished Rowallan on the 27th March and landed 3 pan sized rainbows and seen plenty of fish feeding. The season is now drawing to an end with just 3 weeks left for the brownie waters.