Cold Salmon...

Weather Stuff:
After the current cold out-break moves thru, a large high should briefly settle things down before the next low and cold front brings further rain for the State.
June was exceptionally dry and many records were broken. The follow info comes from the BOM: “High pressure systems the cause: Since about mid-May, Tasmania's weather has often been under the influence of strong high pressure systems. These have suppressed the westerly winds and cold fronts that usually bring a great deal of our rain at this time of year. They have also allowed for light winds and clear skies overnight - especially in the north - and so provided the cold and frosty nights. The same highs have been at the heart of one of the coldest and driest Junes in many parts of Australia”.
Devonport had a record breaking lowest rainfall tally for June with the total of 13.8mm for the month compared to the second lowest of 28.9mm recorded in 1967.
Fishing Stuff:
Silly Man! That’s all I can say. The fellow who claimed to have caught a 30lb trout from Barrington has had a public lesson in identifying what is a brown trout and what is an Atlantic Salmon. I mean come on, the reason people are fishing Barrington so much now is to try and catch a big salmon. Then, all of a sudden, people are amazingly catching massive trout. Doesn’t take too much brain power for this one.
(Article from the IFS)