Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Norm...

Weather Stuff:

After a weekend of more beautiful weather things have turned slightly towards the usual for this time of year. Last night seen the first of a series of cold fronts move through bringing 7mm of rain for Devonport. The Westerly flow has looked to establish itself and may bring some more follow up rain. This is the first time since early Autumn that the patterns appeared more like what we would expect see.

Fishing Stuff:

Spent two nights at Arthurs Lake. Eight trout were landed over the period. Most of the fish were caught at night, possibly because the days were bright ‘n’ sunny keeping the fish in deeper water. Visited Woods Lake and the Great Lake also but couldn’t land the fish that had taken the lure at these locations.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Beautiful Days!

Weather Stuff:

There is a weak cold front on the way today and it should move away early tomorrow leaving another high moving in. There doesn’t appear to be much rain associated with the front, only some possible wind.

The last 3 days seen a large high of 1037hPa slowly crossing Tassie bringing light winds, frosts and beautiful days.

Fishing Stuff:

Went for a fish with John on Saturday for an hour or so and he managed to land a trout just under 2lb. The Whitebait are moving but no signs as yet of the searunners. Hoping to hit Arthurs this weekend, if we can all avoid the dreaded gastro bug!


Friday, September 08, 2006

The Weather Fish – Celebrating 1 Year of Blog!

Weather Stuff:

A weak cold front is crossing this afternoon bringing some cold air in behind it. A high will slowly move in over the few days with things warming up mid-week.

Fishing Stuff:

Dad has had a ripper of a start with 11 trout so far and Simon is sitting on 4 after landing another Mersey brown on the weekend. I have spent a couple hours here and there looking for sea runners, but nothing is moving while I’m there. Hoping to head to Arthurs next week, if all goes well.