Thursday, February 22, 2007

"A few showers during the afternoon, with possible thunder"

Weather Stuff:

Well the mild conditions just keep on coming. Devonport reached 26C yesterday with a minimum of 18C overnight. The BOM are forecasting thunderies possible for this afternoon, but I wouldn't hold my breath. The trough that has been hanging around the Bass Straight the last several days is making forecasting difficult as it moves around where ever it likes.

It also appears that the El Nino may have finally ran its race. This report from the ABC:

El Nino declared over
The Bureau of Meteorology has declared the drought-causing El Nino weather phenomenon has passed after influencing Australia's climate for more than a year.

The bureau says it is time to be optimistic about drought-breaking rains, although the drought is far from over.

In a statement, it says all the main indicators show neutral conditions have returned to the Pacific Basin.

"Along the equator, sea-surface temperatures are cooling rapidly and have been below their El Nino thresholds for about a month now," the statement said.

But the bureau's senior climatologist, Grant Beard, says it may not mean heavy rain is on the way.

"Unfortunately, El Nino is not an on-off switch, so just because the El Nino has finished in terms of its broad-scale indicators, it doesn't mean that imminent widespread rain is about to occur to break the drought," Mr Beard said.

"In fact, a lot of the areas through the south and east of the country, in terms of water supplies, are so far behind that only several years of healthy falls will replenish those supplies to something that is considered satisfactory."

But he says rain is now more likely.

"It provides optimism - cautious optimism, I would say - for a return to more normal rainfall pattern in the drought-affected areas during the next one to two seasons," he said.

Mr Beard says the rain would likely fall over Australia's eastern half and in areas in the country's south-west.

The climatologist says early signs have emerged of an imminent La Nina cycle, which would bring more rain.

"We think that the chance of a La Nina developing this year is probably higher than the long-term level of chance, which is about one in five, or 20 per cent," he said.

"La Ninas are usually associated with above-average rainfall over fairly large areas of the continent, particularly the eastern half of the country.

"But in terms of the long-term water supply issue, it's really impossible to say.

"Several years of above-average falls are really needed."

I certainly hope if a La Nina forms it brings some good rains to Tassie.

Fishing Stuff:

At this stage I may be popping out for a few hours of fishing with my mate JC on Saturday morning.

More Hobart storm Photos from the Mercury...and again, again

More Hobart storm Photos from the Mercury...and again

More Hobart storm Photos from the Mercury...again

Stupid blog won't load more than one image at a time today...

More Hobart storm Photos from the Mercury...

"Widespread chaos from storms": - Article from: Mercury

February 17, 2007 12:00am

DRAMATIC weather swept across south-eastern Tasmania yesterday causing chaos.Hailstones, some as big as golf balls, fell in the tropical-style thunderstorms, covering houses, gardens and roads.

Flash flooding trapped motorists, flooded homes and caused traffic snarls.The weather bureau warned similar conditions were expected today. Houses were flooded at Bellerive on Hobart's Eastern Shore after a fierce storm moved across the city about 7pm.

Police reported people walking knee-deep in water around Alexandra Esplanade and South St in Bellerive and Clarence City Council workers battled to unblock stormwater drains.

Police said the severe weather caused flooding, fires were caused by lightning and there were minor traffic accidents over a wide area between Bothwell and Huonville. And a fire ripped through the Salvation Army hall at Huonville when it was hit by lightning. Aurora reported power blackouts at Woodbridge, Hamilton, Ouse and Bothwell.

Aurora spokeswoman Barbara McGregor said a car hit a power pole in Main Rd, Granton, causing 1100 homes to lose power in Glenorchy and Moonah.They were without power for about an hour. Ms McGregor said the threat of lightning strikes meant repair crews had to wait for storms to pass."Crews have had to turn back from Woodbridge and Huonville, it's way to dangerous," she said.

Several work crews worked through the night to restore power to affected areas.Roads were closed by flooding in several areas, which disrupted traffic. Main Rd at Austins Ferry was closed, with Aurora replacing a power pole which was struck by a motor vehicle.

Tasmania Police sergeant Pat Lee said many people called for help soon after 7pm. The weather bureau expected the thunder to ease overnight.

Forecaster Lance Cowled said the rain had been widespread and varied.Bothwell had the heaviest falls, of 60mm in two hours, with 15 to 20mm in the Huon Valley, 34mm at Grove, 19mm on Mt Wellington, 17mm at Judbury and 7mm in Hobart.

The temperature yesterday reached 33.6C in Hobart at 3pm.Bushy Park and Scotts Peak were the hottest, with maximums of 35C. The bureau has forecast a mixed bag today again, with showers and a thunderstorm forecast -- but not before the mercury hits 29C. Mr Cowled said today would be fine apart from the chance of a thundery shower or two during the late afternoon or evening.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mild and humid

Weather Stuff:

The conditions over the last week have been extremely mild and humid. Last Friday a massive thunderstorm parked itself over Hobart and the surrounding suburbs and provided quite a show. Devonport hasn’t seen any thunderstorm activity since January 11th. The next change is due around Friday, so there may be another chance for a storm in that? During this period there has been good thunderstorm cell development inland which has produced some great isolated rainfall figures. So the Q’land type weather should be with us at least until Friday.

(Feature Photos: Inland TS Taken by me - Hobart TS Taken by Author Unknown)

Fishing Stuff:

Visited Arthurs Lake with Daniel on the 9th Feb. Daniel hadn’t caught a trout before this trip, so it was very satisfying to see him land two nice trout at 2lbs each. Both caught on the ol’ faithful Alpha lure. I managed to land one at 1.5lbs, which I guess is better than a kick in pants.