Monday, September 19, 2005

A Flood Watch continues for all northern river basins

Weather Stuff:

Well Sunday was one out of the bag. It’s amazing the contrast between Saturday and Sunday, plus today. Saturday seen a steady, cold rain for most of the day then Sunday was an excellent sunny day. But a small low pressure system has made sure that Sunday’s nice weather was short lived. But it look’s like the NW should be fine for Tuesday and Wednesday before some more rain on Thursday. It’s quite incredible how the start of the year was so dry that it was becoming a real concern and now we are experiencing quite a period of substantial rain. Hopefully this rain will be enough to get us thru the summer period. This ABC news item indicates how much rain we have been having: “Moderate rainfall in northern Tasmania today may cause rivers to break their banks once again. The weather bureau has issued a flood watch for the north and north-west, particularly the Meander River Basin. Senior meteorologist Debbie Tabor says recent heavy rain has saturated the ground, which means any more is likely to cause rivers to rise to minor flood levels. So it doesn't take a lot to tip the rivers you know into minor flood level at the moment, given the falls they've had recently."

Fish Stuff:

Simon and I headed up past Kimberly on Saturday. Although the rainfall was steady for most of the day, the river stayed clear so it did make us think that there may have been some “snow water” present. The fishing action certainly pointed that way. I had a couple of trout “suck” the bait but I couldn’t hook ‘em. We had a nice chat to the Fishery Inspectors. Simon managed to pick up a reasonable trout on the green ‘n’ gold spinner. This fish probably weighed in around the 1.5lb mark, but did seem a little under condition.



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