Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hazy Daz of Sprung!

Weather Stuff:

I watched the moon rise last night and it was rather red in appearance. I had noticed earlier in the day that it seemed rather hazy, not the clear blue sky of previous clear days. I also noticed as the moon got higher up in the sky that it still seemed slightly orange in appearance. Today the atmosphere still appears hazy as well, once I got past the fog that is. There appears to be some smoke haze present, but who knows where from? The winds have been mostly light the last couple of days and the high pressure system close by has slowed the passage of fronts and lows that would clear the haze. Looks like tomorrow may bring a few showers which may hang around over the next couple days.

Fishing Stuff:

I visited the Forth River last night for a sea runner recon mission. Failed to find any action. The tide was rather low, but hey, you never know - if ya never go! I would like to check out the lower Mersey soon and see if any sea runners are lurking around there. I haven't heard any sea runner 'scuttle bug' around town as yet - all seems rather quite.....



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