Thursday, October 20, 2005

Blocking the eastward progression.

Weather Stuff:

The main cloud band associated with the low pressure area is crossing this morning. It isn’t producing much in the way of rainfall. This low is being cradled between 2 highs, one to the east of us and one to the south. It appears the low is weakening while being held up. The Bureau expect the low to move over the State by tomorrow but stall again. I’m not sure if there is enough oomph in this low to produce anything spectacular over the weekend?

Fishing Stuff:

I read an Internet report for Arthurs on the 7th and 8th of Oct. This was the period that I was at Arthurs last. The guy allegedly caught 7 over this time. The report seems odd though as he talks about using Ashley lures then blood worm soft plastics then further down in the report he’s talking about minnows? We saw nothing at all over this period. I still feel personally that some of these blokes are slightly bending the truth, to put it nicely.



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