Weather Stuff:
The current cold out-break is bringing extreme winds, heavy rain and highland snow. There is a Severe Weather Warning in place regarding winds exceeding 100km/h. There has been some thunderstorm activity down South, mainly in the SW. Things look to ease tomorrow but another strong front is due for Wednesday, which will stir things back up again with wind, rain and snow.
The storms that moved thru last Wednesday night produced some damage to power and telephone systems.
Fishing Stuff:
I managed to land 3 nice trout during the Arthurs trip. With-in 15 minutes of arriving at our “spot” I had landed a 1.5 pounder on the Huey’s then another about the same size 10 minutes later on the ‘cocky’, (cockroach). I had another hit on the Huey’s later in the night but it managed to avoid a trip to the frying pan. The next morning’s efforts proved fruitless, but Andrew K and I managed to land a small trout each on the Black ‘n’ Gold spinner later that arvo. The conditions on the last night were too rough to have an enjoyable fish. The over all conditions were not flash with fresh winds and the odd rain shower. The next trip should be coming up very soon with Andrew W and Snapper but the conditions for these Q’land guys may not be kind either with snow and strong winds forecast, although Westerly winds may allow for some sheltered fishing in most of the good spots.
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