Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Fishing Folk Law

Weather Stuff:

The low in the bight is receiving an injection of warm and humid tropical air which may make things interesting for later in the week and the weekend. The Bureau aren’t forecasting any thunderstorms at this stage, but I will make the bold prediction – I think there is a 47.6% chance that the Coast will get some thunder sometime between Thursday and Sunday.

Fishing Stuff:
According to fishing folk law, during periods of Easterly weather the fishing action is slow or non existent. I guess the next few days may test this theory. Simon has indicated that he will be fishing at Arthurs later in the week and I intend on getting out one night attempting to catch a sea runner. My confidence is a little down so far this season, especially after my last Arthurs trip, so I nice sea runner would be welcome.



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