Monday, December 12, 2005


Weather Stuff:

Yesterday was one out of the bag and the opposite of today. A strong cold front is crossing producing strong winds, Smithton has had gusts up to 95km/h. There is a remote chance of some storm activity but that may depend on how well the tropical inflow mixes things up.

Fishing Stuff:

The conditions at Arthurs on Friday night were not great with strong north-westerly’s. JC and I managed to land 1 each on a cocky, both just under 2lb. The winds swung strong SW by morning and it cooled off dramatically. Didn’t see much moving where we were, but didn’t have time to go searching for the fish anywhere else. I landed 1 more just before finishing for the day.



Blogger John said...

Mate even tho I only got one, I had heaps of fun. I took the boys fishing and we lit a fire and bbq'd some snags and hamburgers and had a feed while drowning some worms on Monday. Doesn't get much better. Lachie caught one of those little native fish - bout 8 inches long and gutted it himself. He threw it in the back of the triton and took it home to show mum. It dried out a fair bit by the time he pulled it out to show it off and he explained "it's gone a bit rusty!" lol.

10:48 AM  

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